Wednesday 22 May 2013

Random Wednesday

- Just kidding, today is ovulation day. It feels like my ovary is exploding/falling out of my body. I just don't feel good.
- Henry has worms from the backyard which is contaminated from the previous dirtball owners. He is on meds to get them out of his system and now he has to go on a parasite control medication and we have to change his flea control. Ugh, I feel like a bad puppy mom even though this is totally not my fault. He is just excited that he gets a different kind of food to take his meds with for the next few days. (It is wet food that actually looks like food. His brain exploded when he tried it yesterday.)
- This. Is. Awesome:

- We finally got out to see Iron Man 3 last night. I like the 2nd one better but still have a secret love for Robert Downey Jr.
- I watched Marley and Me on the weekend. It is one of my favourite movies but I hadn't watched it since getting Henry. I cried hysterically when Marley was dying and then forced Henry to snuggle with me. Dogs are the best.
- We live in a somewhat high tornado risk area (high for the province). I'm scared that one day I'll experience a tornado. We are supposed to get strong thunderstorms today and I have already researched what I need to do if a tornado is approaching. However, I know that if there ever is a tornado I will forget everything and just cry.
- A few weeks ago a local man (and relative of J's coworker) was trying to sell his truck on an online buy and sell site. Two guys came to test drive the truck and the seller went with them for the ride. They never returned and his body was found burned about a week later on the accused farm property. This story has me horrified, especially because J has sold trucks on this site and has gone on test drives with people. He buys tons of stuff off this site too and all kinds of "what ifs" have been running through my head. It's scary how evil some people can be. The way we use  this site will change forever now because I just feel like we cannot be too careful when dealing with others.
- Cheese is so delicious
- My neighbour complains about her pregnancy a lot. I swear in my head at her pretty much every time I see her.
- I cannot get the dandelions in our backyard under control.
- If I was single, everything in my house would be bright colours and there would be a lot of polka dots.

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