Friday 5 April 2013

The Guy That I Love

I have an excellent husband. He was my first boyfriend and I honestly thought that we would be together over the summer and then go our separate ways once I moved away for school. But things moved faster than I thought they would. In fact, by our second date he was already talking about "our kids" (that was a total slip of the tongue followed by him saying "Did I just say Our Kids?" followed by much embarrassment"). He ended up moving to the same city I moved to and we have been inseparable ever since. We got engaged just before our 2nd anniversary, married a year and a half later, and are now approaching our 2nd wedding anniversary. He is an amazing man.

He is literally good at everything (except cutting glass, as we have learned through our extensive home renovations). If he wants to figure something out, or wants to do something, he just does it and does it successfully, every. single. time. He is an extremely talented woodworker and is making our new house beautiful right at this very moment.

He knows how to deal with my crazy. I am a ball of anxiety, self doubt, low self esteem, worry, and emotion. He knows what he needs to do to defuse an issue, a crying breakdown, or a cranky mood. He knows what I need to hear and when he needs to say it. More importantly, he knows what I don't need to hear. This has been especially awesome as we have been trying to get pregnant. I'm a wreck throughout this process because I want need it so badly. He has been supportive, positive, and realistic when I haven't been. He listens to me as I talk about OPKs, my temperature, and how my symptoms are "so different and real this month!". I'm sure he doesn't care to see the stick I just peed on, or hear my temping alarm go off at 6am every morning while he is trying to sleep, but he never complains because he knows how important this process is to me.

He says that he is sorry. He makes mistakes in our relationship (so do I!) and he has no problem admitting that he is in the wrong and he makes it right. He never lets things linger, or pushes issues away. He deals with them head on even when it sucks. He is so committed to our marriage and won't let anything harm it.

He makes me laugh all the time, literally, all the time. He has a silliness about him that is just hilarious and fun. He isn't at all worried about what other people think about him, which results in some pretty awesome public displays of hilarity. One day he will make me pee my pants from laughing so hard.

There are a million more reasons why he is amazing, but I think I will save them for another day (when I can't think of anything else to write about). And now, I will eat pizza.


  1. Wow, I think I love your husband (and your dog) ;-) Seriously though, I am glad you have such a supportive guy! GL to you guys!

    1. What? Someone read my blog? :) Thanks, good luck to you too!

    2. Haha! I know! I'm still surprised every time someone comments on one of my posts
